Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When the mist will shed its ivory shroud,
shadows will be seen out of their sound.

Misery will cease, Life will flow.
Sun will snuff, but day will still glow.

And the world will smile,
even if just for a while.

then you will be free, ready to fly.
After an ephemeral pause, life will roll by.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Her lament for love

If only he would have asked
with his heavy lid eyes,
looking up on my waiting glance,
asked me to come behind him,
tracing his footsteps on the wet sand
before they are erased by miffed sea of time.

If only, dear friend!
he would not have been scared by my silver anklets,
I would have taken them out and placed them by the drawer.
I would have thrown my shoes out of the window
and climbed his feet, embracing his breath.

If only he would have asked,
I would have lived by his touch,
flying happily along with his thoughts,
following him as heart follows love.

Why even ask, friend? even If only he would have
raised his eyes and looked into mine,
have shown a smile, or nodded his head.
If not called but only shown just enough trust
that I would be loved.
I would have scurried by his side.

I would have placed my golden bracelets by the drawer
and thrown away my diamond ring and satin clothes.
I would have handed over myself to his arms,
as pure as I could have, as true as I was.
Just so that he would let me climb his feet.
Just so that he would embrace my breath,
as I had embraced his.

If only, my friend
he had believed that my love was only his.
If only my friend, If only, I wish.